The Team

All of our coaches at Maximise Potential are trained to a high standard in our specialist areas. We are all extremely passionate about giving everybody the opportunity to excel and achieve new highs.

  • Martin Gibson

    Head Strength & Conditioning Coach

    Martin has been involved within the sports and fitness industry for over ten years and specialises in athletic and sporting development. Martin has not only worked with some top athletes but played alongside them at a professional level in football. 

  • Rick Poole

    Head Strength & Conditioning Coach

    Rick specialises in Strength and Conditioning and programming for improved fitness performance. Rick has worked with Triathletes across all distances so can specialise across any of the 4 disciplines.

  • Beccy Poole

    Personal Trainer

    Beccy is a specialist in distance events and programming for such events. She has a passion for assisting females in fitness and improving youth performance through Strength and Conditioning and fun fitness.